Wednesday, September 17, 2008

beautiful Taman Gelora

It was a wonderful day, i went to Taman Gelora with my mom and brothers, and an old friend of mine :)
a happy day for all of us ^p^, especially the kids.

p/s: love my camera, the color combination is great...just tat need a more powerful lens to zoom...haha but i felt happy already...thank you Mr munhow for the camera

eh u see the kids are above the ground..


munhow said...

GOSH! they are so nice! look at the reflection! :D next i'll teach you some minor post processing to punch up the photos more :D. If you're not too lazy to learn. i'll show the out come :D

munhow said...

i would frame the photos abit more lower for those first few. I like the first one alot, but it would be alot nicer if able to see more of the reflection, And also the 2nd one, try with wider framing (zoom out) capture the bridge + the scenery, or make it a portrait composition instead of landscape :) they are all lovely.

the 2 of them running that one, great moment captured! also, if i were you, i will wait till baobei runs closer first, you'll have a more dynamic composition, try to frame some of your shots with a foreground(1st layer), midground (2nd layer) and background. to give a little more punch to your photos. :) but it depends. so just try few.

Great job! :) love them


mun how....i really cant get what u r talking about.....hahahahaha.......what i wondering is,is penny understand? wuakakakakakaka

munhow said...

haha, she's smart enough to understand. Just see if she is "too lazy" to go understand or not. haha

语晴一生 said...

ok, both of u .... enough!! hahah ^p^, yeah winnee, ur worries are true, i dun understand the 3rd para...about 1st layer middle layers..hhahah, u really liu gai me one lek!! hahaha

then mr munhow,
i thank you for ur comments, and i get much encouraged...u oways gimme support one..hahah s tat i can step further...hahah ok la...wait till i m not tat lazy, i try ur method okay? hahah